Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must be current, regularly appointed University employees or students. Applicants who participate in the UTemps and all other temporary employees are not eligible.
Applicants may request assistance for their minor children (17 and under) for whom the applicant has legal duties of care and financial responsibility. Legal proof in the form of birth certificates or school records may be requested. Relatives and other children who do not fit these criteria are not eligible for assistance.
Application Procedures
Applications should be made online by 8 a.m. on Thursday, November 19. Applications are available in English or Spanish. Applications received after 8 a.m. on November 19 will not be considered.
Applicants must have a UT EID and password to apply online. If applicants need assistance determining or resetting their EID and password, they are asked to call the UT Help Desk at (512) 475-9400.
Please contact University Events at (512) 471-7753 with questions.