Thank you for your interest in donating toys for Orange Santa. Please review the suggested donation items by age below. We appreciate all donations, especially gift items for our tweens and teens group.
Young Infants (Birth - 6 months)
- Crib mirrors
- Soft-bodied or rag dolls
- Washable soft animals
- Simple hand puppets (for adult use)
- Crib mobiles
- Simple rattles and teething toys
- Crib and play gyms
Older Infants (7 months - 1 year)
- Crib mirrors
- Soft-bodied or rag dolls
- Washable soft animals
- Soft rubber or vinyl animals
- Simple hand puppets (for adult use)
- One-piece vehicles or cars (without small movable parts)
- Teething toys
- Squeeze-squeak toys
- Simple stacking toys
- A few large, lightweight blocks
- Cloth or plastic picture books
- Rattles and lightweight banging materials
- Push toys
- Clutch and texture balls
Toddlers (1-2 years)
- Soft-bodied or washable baby dolls
- Simple doll clothes and accessories
- Dress-up materials
- Small hand puppets to fit child’s hand
- Large vehicles for pushing
- Large beads for stringing
- Cards or wooden shoe for lacing
- Pop-up boxes
- Shape sorters
- Color/picture dominoes
- Sturdy picture, story or rhyme books
- Large, non-toxic crayons and markers
- Simple doll carriages and wagons
- Push toys that look like adult equipment (lawn mower, vacuum, etc.)
- Balls for kicking and throwing
Preschool (3 - 5 years)
- Baby dolls and care-taking accessories
- Child-proportioned dolls and clothes
- Role relevant toys (cash register, doctor materials, etc.)
- Play scenes (small animals and figures, with barns, garages, etc.)
- Wooden unit blocks and plastic bricks
- Large, simple jigsaw puzzles
- Block printing materials
- Bingo or simple card games
- Storybooks
- Non-toxic paint materials
- Instruments
- Recorded music for singing
- Full-size scooters, child-size tricycles
- Jump ropes, lightweight flying discs
School Age (6 - 10 years)
- Baby dolls and care-taking accessories
- Child-proportioned dolls and clothes
- Role-play materials (play money, office supplies, etc.)
- Puppets and simple puppet theater
- Realistic small people and supporting materials for model scenes
- Accurate model animals and dinosaurs
- Replica cars and vehicles with moving parts
- Three-dimensional and jigsaw puzzles
- Complex construction toys and materials
- Bead stringing, weaving, and sewing materials
- Printing and book-making materials
- Board games and beginning strategy games (Chinese checkers, checkers, etc.)
- Poetry, rhymes, humor and adventure books
- Art supplies
- Jewelry and craft kits
- Simple musical instruments (recorders, percussion, etc.)
- Sports equipment
- Science project materials
Tweens and Teens (11 - 17 years)
- Portable stereos, speakers and headphones
- Polaroid cameras
- Scented candles
- Scale model kits
- Video games
- Cosmetic and nail kits
- Bath bombs
- Jewelry
- Small cross-body bags or clutches
- Funko POP figurines
- Watches
- Colorful water bottles
- Scale-model kits
- Camping equipment
- Sports equipment and clothing
- Skateboards with helmets
- Gift certificates (movie theaters, music or clothing stores, etc.)