Gift Suggestions
Young Infants (Birth - 6 months)
- Crib mirrors
- Soft-bodied or rag dolls
- Washable soft animals
- Simple hand puppets (for adult use)
- Crib mobiles
- Simple rattles and teething toys
- Crib and play gyms
- Musical CDs and tapes with lullabies, rhythm songs, etc.
Older Infants (7 months - 1 year)
- Crib mirrors
- Soft-bodied or rag dolls
- Washable soft animals
- Soft rubber or vinyl animals
- Simple hand puppets (for adult use)
- One-piece vehicles or cars (without small movable parts)
- Teething toys
- Squeeze-squeak toys
- Simple stacking toys
- A few large, lightweight blocks
- Cloth or plastic picture books
- Rattles and lightweight banging materials
- Push toys
- Clutch and texture balls
- Musical CDs with lullabies, rhythm songs
Young Toddlers (1 year)
- Soft-bodied or washable baby dolls
- Simple doll clothes and accessories
- Dress-up materials
- Small hand puppets to fit child’s hand
- Large vehicles for pushing
- Large beads for stringing
- Cards or wooden shoe for lacing
- Pop-up boxes
- Shape sorters
- Color/picture dominoes
- Sturdy picture, story or rhyme books
- Large, non-toxic crayons and markers
- Simple doll carriages and wagons
- Push toys that look like adult equipment (lawn mower, vacuum, etc.)
- Balls for kicking and throwing
Older Toddlers (2 years)
- Soft-bodied or washable baby dolls
- Simple doll clothes and accessories
- Dress-up materials
- Small hand puppets to fit child’s hand
- Small cars, people, animals
- Larger vehicles for pushing
- Large beads for stringing
- Cards or wooden shoe for lacing
- Pop-up boxes
- Shape sorters
- Color/picture dominoes
- Sturdy picture, story or rhyme books
- Large, non-toxic crayons and markers
- Simple doll carriages and wagons
- Push toys that look like adult equipment (lawn mower, vacuum, etc.)
- Balls for kicking and throwing
Preschool (3 - 5 years)
- Baby dolls and care-taking accessories
- Child-proportioned dolls and clothes
- Role relevant toys (cash register, doctor materials, etc.)
- Housekeeping equipment
- Play scenes (small animals and figures, with barns, garages, etc.)
- Wooden unit blocks and plastic bricks
- Large, simple jigsaw puzzles
- Block printing materials
- Simple sewing cards
- Bingo or simple card games
- Storybooks
- Non-toxic paint materials
- Rhythm and blowing instruments
- Recorded music for singing
- Full-size scooters, child-size tricycles
- Jump ropes, lightweight flying discs
School Age (6 - 12 years)
- Baby dolls and care-taking accessories
- Child-proportioned dolls and clothes
- Role-play materials (play money, office supplies, etc.)
- Puppets and simple puppet theater
- Realistic small people and supporting materials for model scenes
- Accurate model animals and dinosaurs
- Replica cars and vehicles with moving parts
- Three-dimensional and jigsaw puzzles
- Complex construction toys and materials
- Bead stringing, weaving, and sewing materials
- Printing and book-making materials
- Board games and beginning strategy games (Chinese checkers, checkers, etc.)
- Poetry, rhymes, humor and adventure books
- Art supplies
- Jewelry and craft kits
- Simple musical instruments (recorders, percussion, etc.)
- Music for singing and movement (folkdance, etc.)
- Recordings of books being read aloud
- Sports equipment for beginning team play
Teens (13 - 17 years)
- Popular music CDs or DVDs
- Discman or MP3 players
- Portable stereos, speakers and headphones
- Video games
- Cosmetic and bath sets
- Cologne or perfume
- Jewelry
- Purses or wallets
- Watches
- Complex construction sets
- Science project materials
- Scale-model kits
- Camping equipment
- Sports equipment
- Skateboards with helmets
- Gift certificates (movie theaters, music or clothing stores, etc.)