<?php global $base_url;
$year = variable_get('os_program_year',date('Y'));
$is_left_volunteer_openings = os_is_left_volunteer_openings();
if ($is_left_volunteer_openings && variable_get('volunteer_open')) {
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Orange Santa <?php print $year;?>. Currently there are a variety of volunteer opportunities available:
<?php } else { ?>
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Orange Santa <?php echo $year; ?>. Currently all volunteer shifts are full. All registered volunteers will be contacted shortly via e-mail with details regarding their assigned shifts, check-in location, and etc. If you are not currently registered, and would like to be placed on a waiting list for any shift openings due to cancellations, please feel free to e-mail Maria Brown-Spence with time and shift preferences. You will be contacted shortly if any volunteer slots become available. Thank you all for your tremendous support this year!
<?php }
print oshelper_term_shifttype_shifttime_detail_by_programyear();
<?php if ($is_left_volunteer_openings && variable_get('volunteer_open')) { ?>
If you would like to volunteer for Orange Santa <?php print $year; ?>, please complete the registration fields below and select ONE volunteer shift of your preference. After the registration process is completed for this program, you will be contacted via phone or e-mail with further information.
If you have questions, please e-mail Maria Brown-Spence at mbspence@austin.utexas.edu. Thank you for registering to volunteer for Orange Santa <?php print $year; ?>. We look forward to seeing you.
<?php } ?>